Friday, October 25, 2013

Autumn Miscellany, Here and There

In most parts of the country, there’s an autumnal nip in the air. Here, we’re grateful for chilly mornings and daytime highs only in the low nineties.

To celebrate the season, here are some recent random photos from Tohono Chul Park and the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.

Palm Canyn 10-11-2013 8-23-30 AM 3264x2448

Palm Canyon, the newest “habitat” at Tohono Chul. It’s slated to officially open next week.

Big Boojum 9-17-2013 11-12-24 AM 2442x3174This weird-looking, alien-seeming plant is a boojum tree, from another part of the Sonoran Desert. At the Desert Museum.

Little Boojum 9-17-2013 11-11-12 AM 2442x2835 And a smaller boojum tree, close-up.

Gila Monster Escape 9-13-2013 11-02-06 AM 413x397 Lately at Reptile Ramble, the Gila Monster has been trying to escape.

Inca dove laying egg 10-24-2013 12-35-14 PM 872x1153I wish this were a better photo. It is an inca dove, in the process of laying an egg in the Desert Museum walk-in Aviary. Her poorly-constructed nest was so small that her cloaca hung out over the end of it. I didn’t wait for the inevitable sad moment when the slowly emerging egg finally fell to the ground.


  1. Doves aren't the brightest of birds. I'd say a dropped egg reinforces the survival of the fittest theorem.

    1. Or, as my buddy Sue speculated, perhaps she just wasn't ready to be a mother.
